About a month ago The Husband and I acquired a duck. It was stuffed into a bag of goodies that my mom loaded us up with after a visit to my parents. We LOVE duck. There really isn’t much better than the rich fatty meat of a duck. It’s better than heaven. We decided to make an event of this treat. We called it, “DUCK IN BED”. I roasted it so it was crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, then we brought it into bed on a platter and tore into it like we were cave men, or at least like we were at Medieval Times Restaurant. No need for utensils just a bunch of napkins. It was awesome…seriously awesome.
Last Sunday I skipped into the Farmers Market like I was a 5 year old in a toy store, I love the Farmers Market! I spotted the Hudson Valley Duck table where I learned about a type of duck called Lola. Lola is a cross between a Pekin and a mallard. Smaller than the standard Pekin, which is usually about 6 pounds; this little guy was about 3, and a little richer in flavor. Perfect for 2 people, perfect for DUCK IN BED! Here’s the recipe, and if you’d like to find your own Lola Duck, go to www.hudsonvalleyduckfarm.com
*note: this recipe only works with Lola Duck, if you use a regular sized Pekin you'll need to cook it longer*
You’ll need: Roasting Pan and rack
1 Lola Duck
Fresh rosemary
Fresh thyme
1 onion
Brussels sprouts
2 chopped potatoes
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
Sprinkle duck with a generous portion of salt and pepper inside as well as on the skin. Sprinkle fresh rosemary and thyme on the duck and inside. Place ¼ of the onion inside the duck. Place in rack. Spread potatoes and Brussels sprouts on the bottom of the roasting pan. Cook duck for 15 minutes breast side up. After 15 minutes flip duck breast side down and cook for 20 minutes. Finally flip one more time turn the heat up to 450 degrees and cook for 10 more minutes to crisp up the skin. Duck should be pink on the inside, and veggies at the bottom should be cooked nicely in the duck fat.
Serve in BED!
*Note: Be sure to save the duck fat at the bottom of the pan in a jar. Duck fat is one of the tastiest fats to cook with! Don’t waste this simple pleasure!!